Blogging from Vilnius on black pr. A really freezing shower for all of us!

The only thing that I regret is not having been able to understand (because of the lack of an english translation) of three and one half presentations (out of nine!) which unfortunately were in the Russian language (the Russian one of course, Belarus, Polish and half of the Latvian one). However the ones I was able to understand (English, Italian, Lithuanian, Ukrainan and German one) were well worth it.

How does communicating c(s)r programs differ from socially responsible communication?

I have been struggling in these last weeks with a communication problem. I just cannot seem to clearly explain to my professional peers as well as to my better students, the fundamental and conceptual difference between the practice of communicating corporate(social) responsibility and the need for organizations to ensure that all their communicative behaviours be (socially) responsible…

Public Relations in Iran! Here is the opinion of Shameem Abdul Jalil, President of the Institute of Public Relations and director of Corporate Communication Public Bank of Malaysia

I had met Shameem in 2004 when she represented her Institute at the World Pr Festival in Trieste. We haven’t seen each other since, but I remember very well her enthusiasm and desire to change. I have just received this article she wrote for the New Straits Times. Take a look and express your point of view..

Yes! An unabashed praise for Richard Edelman. We will learn from your mistakes..

I dare to predict that in a few years (or maybe even a few months) many of those who, on-and-off-line, today criticise Richard Edelman for his ‘mistakes’ in the use of the blogosphere to represent the interests of big league clients such as Wal Mart and Microsoft will grudgingly recognize that our professional community owes a substantial professional as well as cultural debt to one of its more distinguished, successful and competent senior colleagues…