Improving stakeholder relationships through nets, neuros and algorithms

  By Toni Muzi Falconi Idea genesis Public relations practice seeks to identify and convince potential influencers in advocating ideas, arguments, products and services in line with client or employer objectives, thus attempting to overcome the limitations of outreach and credibility. The issue of relationships with stakeholders – powered by the increasing pressure of expectations on organizational decision processes – has become a vital concern for the licence to operate of every organization. Today this...

The serious business of public relations

It is interesting that the word ‘consultant’ derives from the Latin, consultare, meaning to debate or discuss.  That implies its function is to assist in two-way communications – yet, the role of management consultancy is positioned as assisting organizations to improve performance, through logical analysis and development of plans.  The focus is more on management rather than consultancy. The history of management consultancy is tied closely to analytical processes and a rational, scientific approach to...

Marriage of European and North American PR thought leadership

By Fraser Likely Even for those in the public relations and communication management field who paid the slightest bit of attention to international developments over this past summer, the Stockholm Accords and the Barcelona Principles came as a surprise. Certainly, for those of us based in North America, the surprise may have had an element of shock to it. I am not talking about the content of each of these documents. There is considerable comment already...

The big question: What is PR?

In May 2008, Catherine Arrow produced a useful edited publication: What is PR? which brought together a range of posts from PR Conversation touching on the “big question” that seems to be of eternal interest to practitioners, academics and of course, students.  Toni Muzi Falconi commenting on two recent events recommends re-reading this document.  He writes: The Bled Symposium this year was not up to the excellent standards that I am accustomed to expect from its organizers.  But this...

How to cut 50% spend on public relations

To paraphrase that old saying about advertising, is it possible that organizations are wasting half their PR spend? In the face of plans by many governments - such as the UK and Italy - to cut their communications budget, how should the public relations industry respond? Here I share some of my thoughts - and a suggestion from Toni Muzi-Falconi.