1982 Tylenol case a misleading myth: O’Dwyer takes on Fortune, J& J and the public relations establishment!!

My good and esteemed friend, Jack O’Dwyer, has overturned yet another rug from the dainty sitting room in which our professional community enjoys talking to herself in the mirror in the most onanistic of behaviours (not that, as bloggers, we act differently…) and the air does not smell so good…. Just in case, according to Wikipedia, Onan is a person described in the book of Genesis in the Hebrew Bible. The word onanism, an older...

Leidly agrees with Burson and adds some about the Watergate impact on public relations..

A few days ago I was invited by the Public Relations Global Network to give a 20’ present/onversation (…so I dubbed it) to a group of some 30 leaders of as many consultancies and as many countries who met in Milano for their by-annual conference each time in a different country. The topic I chose to address in agreement with Anne Buchanan, leader of the network and Alessandra Malvermi, head of the Italian agency member...

Blogging from Vilnius on black pr. A really freezing shower for all of us!

The only thing that I regret is not having been able to understand (because of the lack of an english translation) of three and one half presentations (out of nine!) which unfortunately were in the Russian language (the Russian one of course, Belarus, Polish and half of the Latvian one). However the ones I was able to understand (English, Italian, Lithuanian, Ukrainan and German one) were well worth it.