An accidental ebook: exploring the future of business blogging

Ketchum Europe director and CIPR president shares insights from a co-creation project exploring the benefits of professional blogging By Stephen Waddington Blogging is 20 years old this year. By now it was predicted blogging would threaten mainstream media and become the dominant form of media in its own right. It clearly hasn’t but it hasn’t gone away, either. During the early weeks in February 2014, I sought out the opinion of respected and long-time bloggers...

Influence behaviours: create social business guidelines valued as an employee resource

What are the advantages of making something a collaborative effort and promoting the terminology of “resource?” External and internal communication specialists in a communicative organization understand the significance and impact of the name given to a document. Even more important than its title, who holds accountability for its creation and how many areas have input and influence on resulting internal behaviours and external outcomes. Ask any corporate communicator: Collaborative efforts are always more valued by...

Selecting stakeholder groups for effective communication in the 21st-Century

As an employee relations (or internal communication) professional, how do you specifically identify your stakeholders? What approach and methods do you adopt and how do you implement them appropriately in order to communicate clearly? A guest interview and conversation between Toni Muzi Falconi and Rachel Miller Recently Toni Muzi Falconi approached PR Conversations about some of his current examinations regarding alternative approaches to communicating with stakeholders. It was determined the most effective method to understand...

Engaging for success in the UK economy

Engaging for Success; an innovative UK program By Rachel Miller What is the cost of disengaged employees to a department, brand or a nation? A voluntary movement in the United Kingdom has brought employee engagement into sharp focus with the revelation that disengagement loses the UK billions of pounds annually. This month, leaders from 44 of the most recognisable private, public and charitable organisations signed an open letter to The Times newspaper. Among the chief...