The Fork in the Road to PR Research

Management wants data. How can anybody think otherwise in a business world ruled by six sigma, key performance indicators, balanced scorecards, dashboards and ROI. Yet studies continue to show that many public relations practitioners still do not use research

Two great stories from the Cape Town Festival

By far the most interesting presentation of the Fourth World Public Relations Festival arrived when Ms. Mindi P. Kasiga, Senior Communication Officer from the Office of the President of Tanzania, brilliantly took us through a fascinating five year process of total rehaul of that Government’s communication in its transition from an information to a dialogue based model of public relations practice.

Exploring the role of public relations in social media

The Canadian Public Relations Society (CPRS) just announced the launch of its inaugural webinar, PR and Social Media. Using two (Canadian) case studies that “leverage blogging, wikis, YouTube, Flickr, and various online communities,” the session’s focus will be on the tactical side of social media, rather than theoretical concepts. Approached several weeks ago by Vancouver-based PR consultant, Carla Shore, APR (a member of the national professional development committee), I knew that the webinar was...

Measuring Social Media: a post from Frank Ovaitt, President of the Institute for Public Relations

“A new blog is created about once every two seconds. New videos are posted to YouTube even more frequently. Virtually everyone with a computer (98%) goes on line to search for information before making a purchase. Video search is taking over text search as the most popular form of searching. Politicians, marketers, and individuals are embracing new forms of social networking…at unprecedented levels.”