Listen to this: wish all journalists were so correct in their handling of our profession!!

The canadian professional community is commenting on the first of six hours of canadian broadcasting corporation radio coverage of the relationship between public relations, spin and journalism. Here is the link to the first program. Listen and comment if you wish. I found it very well done, balanced and interesting:

About this ‘country reputation’ fad after last week’s summit in Washington and the coming one in London..maybe the World Bank has got it right?

Last week in Washington DC, 150 Senior Public Relations Professionals -from as many powerful private US corporations- gathered by the PR Coalition (an organization which comprises many American professional associations representing overall some 50 thousand members), met with the leaders of the State Department to discuss how enhancing joint programs between public and private sector may help in improving the world reputation of the United States (Copyright 2007 HT Media Ltd final.doc)..

Yes! An unabashed praise for Richard Edelman. We will learn from your mistakes..

I dare to predict that in a few years (or maybe even a few months) many of those who, on-and-off-line, today criticise Richard Edelman for his ‘mistakes’ in the use of the blogosphere to represent the interests of big league clients such as Wal Mart and Microsoft will grudgingly recognize that our professional community owes a substantial professional as well as cultural debt to one of its more distinguished, successful and competent senior colleagues…