Exploring "A Brand New World" radio doc

It’s a brand new world. Brand being the key word. Coke, Starbucks, Nike—they all want to sell you something. They always have. But today, brands are not just products and branding is not limited to marketing. In this feature [CBC Radio] documentary, Ira Basen takes us inside a burgeoning brand culture where people obsess about their personal brands, form “relationships” with brands on social media, look to them as legitimate vehicles of social and political...

Goodbye brand journalism and content marketing…hello DIY corporate media!

Evolving to corporate media It was almost a year ago that I interviewed Ira Basen on The intersection of public relations and journalism in the digital age on PR Conversations, a post that was quite popular and seemingly influential. For example, it was due to this late July 2012 interview that Ira Basen was invited a year later to be a keynote speaker at the CPRS Conversations2013 conference. In my most-recent Conversations Byte on Maximize...